2015年5月18日 星期一

[歌詞翻譯]Keira Knightley | "Lost Stars" (Begin Again Soundtrack)

我非常喜歡這個版本, 跟Adam Levine的搖滾版本比較起來, Keira 溫柔口氣中很像在說故事, 一個傷心, 又無法忘卻的往事.

翻譯得跟電影的不太一樣, 是我感受到的情境,  希望你們喜歡 :)

Please don't see just a girl caught up in dreams and fantasies
不, 別看著我, 只是一個追求不切實際夢想的女孩

Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see.
你注意到我了嗎? 是一個想要擁有一個與我碰不到的人

Take my hand, let's see where we wake up tomorrow.
握緊我的手 讓我們猜猜隔天將在哪裡瘋狂的醒來
Best laid plans; sometimes are just a one night stand.
最難忘的夜晚, 往往只是個一夜情
I'll be damned; Cupid's demanding back his arrow.
死定了, 邱比特要收回它的愛之箭
So let's get drunk on our tears.
既然這樣, 讓我們在眼淚中飲酒狂歡吧

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young.
上帝啊, 告訴我為什麼年少時, 都將光陰浪費在這些輕狂上呢
It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run.
在這授獵的季節裡, 羊群都在自由地奔跑
We're searching for meaning...
而我們, 也在追求自己想要的意義

But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?
但我們, 是掉落的隕星, 妄想照亮這片漫天烏雲

Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy.
我們, 是誰? 只是銀河裡的微小塵埃
'Woe is me' if we're not careful turns into reality.
而我, 又是誰? 這段年少輕狂 一不注意就會認真
Don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow.
不准你在想起我倆美好回憶地時候, 感到哀傷
Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer.
昨天, 我看見一隻獅子親吻了小鹿
Turn the page; maybe we'll find a brand new ending.
換個角度想, 或許我們會有不同結果
Where we're dancing in our tears.

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young.
上帝啊, 告訴我為什麼年少時, 都將光陰浪費在這些輕狂上呢
It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run.
在這授獵的季節裡, 羊群都在自由地奔跑
We're searching for meaning...
而我們, 也在追求自己想要的意義
But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?
而我們, 是掉落的隕星, 試著在這片漫天烏雲閃耀

I thought I saw you out there crying...
我以為, 看見你坐在那裡哭泣
I thought I heard you call my name...
我以為,  聽見你在喊叫我的名字
I thought I heard you out there crying...
我以為, 聽見你因為我而哭泣
But just the same...
原來, 都是錯覺

And God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young.
上帝啊, 告訴我為什麼年少時, 都將光陰浪費在這些輕狂上呢
It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run.
在這授獵的季節裡, 羊群都在自由地奔跑
We're searching for meaning...
而我們, 也在追求自己想要的意義
But are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark?
而我們, 是掉落的隕星, 試著在這片漫天烏雲閃耀

